No Loquuntur Englisch?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Windows of Opportunity ... Gates to Freedom

What's up folks!?!

We hope this day is treating you well! Gonna jump right into something important to the folks at C.L.A.Y. - principles behind certain aspects of Long-Term Athletic Development or LTAD.

There are no long-term, double-blind, peer-reviewed scientific studies performed on humans, rats, bovine or cardboard boxes on LTAD and the "windows of opportunity" that exist within the human developmental process.

Let us know if you do find one.

Until then, believe that there is scientific evidence that backs up the claims many proponents of LTAD have for the aforementioned windows. We will explore these windows and their scientific origins over the next few blogs.

5-year-old boy jumping.
These windows are akin to gates. They are periods during our physical and mental maturation where, with guidance and encouragement, we are able to best capitalize on that growth. To our knowledge the windows do not close. However, the effectiveness with which we can use them diminishes over time. Fail to take advantage of these opportunities, and we will lose the chance to help our children achieve the most physically fit bodies they could possibly have - if that is their choosing. 

Physically, there are moments we can help enhance speed, mobility, kinesthetic and vestibular awareness, endurance, strength and power. Mentally and psychologically there are also times we can help improve our children's ability to rationalize, cope and process life's complexities.

14-year-old girl sprinting and jumping.
Understanding these windows will help the youth health and fitness professional construct programming that suits a specific discipline. At C.L.A.Y, we have broken 62 sports into four movement categories (we'll discuss them in a later blog). Each category has a long-term program or periodization model with several macrocycles and even more microcycles that are based on our phases of development, these points of opportunity, our growth and our sex.

This is an exciting time to be in the fitness industry, especially if you possess an interest in training children. Granted, you probably wouldn't be on this blog if you didn't. But training children goes beyond merely crawling, climbing, kicking, hitting, catching and laughing with them. Children model us, constantly following our lead even when we do not think they are. So, we must be prepared to lead them down a path that will enable them to create their own paths when they are physically and mentally ready.

Our next blog will be on the four speed windows. There are two windows for both sexes.

When it comes to speed, think about rockets, jets, cars and 18-wheelers or rocket fuel, jet fuel, gas and diesel. There is potential for human rocket fuel if we help children optimize both periods. Miss one of them, and children are reduced to achieving jet fuel. There are fast jets, but even the fastest jet gets lapped by the slowest rocket. Miss both windows, but get the child before the growth plates close, and we have the chance to help them develop gasoline. There are plenty of fast cars on the world's highways. But, seriously? A jet versus a car? If the child misses both opportunities and has reached full physical maturity, the best we can do is help them get some diesel. Overall diesel holds more energy than gas, but it is not going to be as quick or as powerful as gas. Outside of endurance events, athletic endeavors require quickness, speed and power.

So, come back and check out the research behind the speed windows. 


Moving the Future

Thursday, October 18, 2012

First time...

A young girl comes to our junior golf class for the first time. We were out on the course that day, and were using kick balls and soccer balls as our tee shots.

I grabbed a ball and talked with the girl about places she could kick it. After we decided where, I stepped back and said, "Ok, kick it hard!"

She just looked at the ground in front of me. Shy. Maybe even a little embarrassed. Her hands behind her back, head slightly tilted, not making eye contact. So, I told her again, "Hey, it's all right, just kick it right where we were talking about."

Same shy look.

Her mom, sitting on a cart about 50 yards away called to me, and I ran to her. Meanwhile my coworker took the other children through the kicking.

"Coach Milo," the mom said. "Just wanted you to know that she has never kicked a ball."

I think I was equally floored and irritated. The girl was six, almost seven years old, and had never kicked a ball! Isn't that akin to cruel and unusual punishment? Had she been locked away, put in some desk tucked in the back of a dingy classroom, banned from every child's birthright to put foot on ball only to see it sail through the air? The thought of calling CPS, the FBI and the DOD did cross my mind.

Instead, I simply said, "Cool."

Getting back to the group, I called to Leah.

"All right, this what we're going to do. Are you right footed or left footed?"

Same shy look.

"Well, it doesn't matter," I said. "We're going to do this with both feet. I want you put your left foot right here by the ball. Now step back with your right foot. Then you're going to keep your left foot in place and swing your right foot through the air as fast as you can so this part of the foot right here connects with the ball."

She did it. The ball sailed. The smile that followed would've warmed the meanest IRS agent.

"Wait! Wait! Don't take off yet," I said as Leah began running to the ball. "We gotta do the same thing on the other side."
Kick it!!!

Leah was with us several more times that week. By the end of the week, Leah was running up and kicking from both sides of the ball with equal gusto. Each time she'd give a huge kick then skip off singing a song.

Understand this coaches, we will rarely ever know when we will be an integral part of a young athlete's first attempt at something. The way we react to it is crucial to that athlete's development. Say something wrong, use the wrong tone or give a disparaging glance, and the child could have another hurdle to climb, this one an emotional hurdle - which is much more difficult to surmount.

As coaches of young athletes, we are there to teach, encourage and enhance all in a safe arena that allows for ample exploration. At six years old, personalities and attitudes are still being shaped. When it comes to movement and athletics, let's give the children the knowledge of how to do it and the skills to actually do it.

Knowledge + Skill helps develop confidence in our young athletes.


Moving the Future