No Loquuntur Englisch?

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Primitive Reflexes

Hey Folks!

Recently had a conversation with Trevor Montgomery, a medical professional from Auckland, NZ, about primitive reflexes. Trevor has been doing some interesting stuff with retained primitive reflexes as they relate to physical performance - specifically golf performance.

First off, so we're speaking the same language: PRIMITIVE REFLEXES are actions that originate in the central nervous system and are displayed by healthy infants - but not in neurologically-intact adults - in response to certain stimuli. These reflexes dissipate through the normal maturation process, giving way to higher functioning reflexes. Primitive reflexes never leave us. Painful episodes typically bring them back, enabling us to cope with whatever the physical ailment may be.

Trevor is a multifaceted practitioner, well versed in physical therapy, dry needling, acupuncture and manual manipulation to mention a few.  Trevor is a knowledge hound – which is why we love the guy! He’s always looking for something that will help him improve his ability to help his clients reach amazing results.

“I saw your post on primitive reflexes. I have been testing for primitive reflex retention and sensory processing problems with my golfers (and my other chronic patients) and getting some stunning results when they are properly overlaid with conscious movement!”

Folks, words like that are akin to porn right there.

We were hooked! Then the questions began. How old were they? Were they all healthy? Conceived by artificial insemination? Did you just get rid of chronic issues? Which were the more prevalent reflexes? Did you get any of this on video? 

Trevor said he was tested, finding remnants of 11 of 14 reflexes tested.

“Strongest for me was a right ATNR, left abdominal, bilateral Babinski, bilateral tendon guard, left spinal Galant and a Landau,” he said.
Right ATNR

In other words folks, if you ever play basketball with Trevor – if these haven’t been taken care of – you, fake a drive to hole, back up and fake again to hit the Babinski, cross him over right-to-left to hit that ATNR and the Galant and give him a belly button poke, hoping Landau jumps out, as you drive to the hole!

“Yep - you would have pretty much burnt me to the hoop with that!! By the way, I have spent 12 years trying to make my left scap sit in neutral without conscious thought (despite some serious scap control work) and abolishing 4 of the reflexes that were driving it down achieved it in a little under 10 minutes.”

Crazy interesting stuff.

As trainers and teachers and facilitators of proper movement, we’re all about obtaining results. Because in the end, results – regardless if they are with a 5-year-old or a 65-year-old, are what matter most. Trevor’s success with his golfers shows pretty sweet results.

“If you address the right reflex, the golfer reports a change after the 30 sec reset,” he said. “Here's an example. One of my top amateur 17-year-old female golfers couldn't keep the ulnar aspect of her right hand on the club through to finish. She also writes like a toddler with her thumb across her fingers (not the adult frogs legs).

“Reset her grip reflex, and she immediately held the pen and wrote like an adult and couldn't remember or repeat how she wrote for the last 12 years! When we put a club in her hand, she found it easy to keep her whole right hand on the club. Will take her 12 weeks of doing the corrective exercise to make it stick in its entirety but you should get an immediate change if it is the primary driver for the movement dysfunction.”

The next day, after a lesson between the 17-year-old and her coach, Trevor received props from the coach.

Sweet stuff there. We’re interested to see what happens from here. Hopefully, Trevor starts putting of this on video! Hint! Hint! Hint!

Until next time - keep moving the future!

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